Commercial Insurance Solutions
Surety Bonds
Surety bonds are three-party, written agreements between you, the entity for which you are providing a service, and the institution which provides the assurance that you can and will perform the service. The legal terms you may have heard used are defined as follows:
You or your company is known as the Principal.
The group or organization for whom you are performing the service is the Obligee. This is usually a city, town, or state.
The institution backing your promise to perform the service is the Surety.
American Insurance Brokers can help you obtain surety bonds that will allow your company to make contracts and perform jobs anywhere in South Florida or Miami. Our knowledgeable and experienced insurance agents can help you assess your business's assets, working capital, and debts as well as its history of success in completing similar projects. Combined with your credit score, we can write surety bonds that satisfy Florida's legal and fiduciary requirements.
Some of the surety bonds we regularly write are:
License and Permit Bonds required by Florida for certain business activities, such as general contracting, tax bonds, and environmental protection bonds.
Public Official Bonds guaranteeing "honesty and faithful performance" of those who are appointed or elected to government office.
Probate and Other Court Bonds. These are posted by those seeking judicial remedies or who are defending against legal actions against them.
Miscellaneous Surety Bonds, an eclectic category for bonds that are needed to insure private or business relationships that don't fit into any of the above categories.
Fidelity Bonds
A fidelity bond indemnifies you, the insured, for losses caused by fraudulent or dishonest acts on the part of your employees that may have the intent to cause losses to your business and benefit the employee or others.
Blanket coverage fidelity bonds cover all your employees.
Scheduled fidelity bonds cover only those employees who are specifically named, or positions within the company which are named in the bond.
With employee fraud causing business owners more than $3 billion in annual business profits, company owners should consider purchasing a fidelity bond. In South Florida, Miami, and everywhere else in the United States, a fidelity bond is a legal agreement among three parties. The difference is that the insurer or Surety pays the you, the Principal, in the event of any loss by employees covered by the bond.
American Insurance Brokers: Writing Surety and Fidelity Bonds
for over 20 Years
Drop in at one of our local offices to discuss your business's needs regarding fidelity or surety bonds with our highly experienced and friendly agents. At AIB, we're proud to serve our Miami and South Florida communities by writing surety and fidelity bonds that meet everyone's needs.

Surety and fidelity bonds are complex legal and financial instruments which strive to protect all parties in an agreement.
Though both kinds of bonds have some similarities, they insure against different things.
South Florida Surety and Fidelity Bonds
Pólizas de Manejo y Confianza
Soluciones en Seguros Comerciales

Pólizas de Manejo: Una Fianza de Manejo es un acuerdo escrito suscrito por tres partes por el que una Fianza garantiza MANEJO o sea un desempeño específico en favor de un PRINCIPAL (cliente/asegurado) por parte de un OBLIGADO .
El Obligado es generalmente una entidad estatal tal como una cuidad, villa o Estado. Existen diversos tipos de Fianzas de Manejo y AIB puede ayudar a Usted en el evento de una cualquiera de las necesidades siguientes:
Fianzas de Permisos y Licencias, Fianza de Funcionarios Públicos, Fianzas de Testimonio y Otros tribunales, Fianzas de Manejos Misceláneos, Fianzas de Cumplimiento de Contratos
Pólizas de Confianza: Una Fianza de Confianza indemnizará al asegurado por los actos deshonestos o fraudulentos con intención de causar pérdida al empleador y beneficio para el empleado u otros a quienes el empleado tuvo intención de favorecer.
Por cuanto el fraude laboral ha generado pérdidas superiores a USD 3.o000 millones a las utilidades de las empresas en los estados Unidos, los dueños de empresas han llegado a considerar necesario contar con este tipo de cobertura adicional.
Seguro de Garantia de Obrigações Contratuais/Seguro Fidelidade
Soluciones en Seguros Comerciales
Seguro de Garantia de Obrigações Contratuais: É um acordo escrito firmado por três partes segundo o qual um FIADOR garante um desempenho específico em nome de um PRINCIPAL (cliente/segurado) para um OBRIGADO. O obrigado geralmente é uma entidade governamental, como uma cidade, um município ou um estado, por exemplo. Há diversos tipos de apólices de fiança, e a AIB pode ajudá-lo em qualquer uma dessas necessidades:
Garantia de Licença e Concessão, Garantia de Funcionários Públicos, Garantia de Inventário e Outras Questões Judiciais, Seguro de Garantia Mista, Garantia de Cumprimento de Contratos.
Seguro Fidelidade: Ele indenizará o segurado por prejuízos causados por atos desonestos ou fraudulentos que tenham tido a intenção de prejudicá-lo em benefício do funcionário ou de outros que este tenha desejado favorecer. Com as fraudes cometidas por empregados custando anualmente 3 bilhões de dólares às companhias americanas, seus proprietários precisam considerar esse tipo de cobertura adicional.