South Florida Business General Liability
Commercial Insurance Solutions
What is Commercial General Liability Insurance?
Commercial General Liability insurance is also sometimes known as business general liability or corporate liability insurance. It covers claims of bodily injury or property damage that may arise on the business premises or during normal company operations. In fact, it is often offered in a package with property insurance to further protect your company against incidents that may occur on your premises or at other locations where you conduct business.
Corporate liability insurance also protects you and your company if someone is injured or becomes ill while using one of your products. It's replaced what used to be called "comprehensive general liability" in South Florida and Miami.
What Kinds of Claims are Covered with Business General Liability Insurance?
Businesses in Miami and South Florida face many challenges throughout the year. To protect your assets, it is important to carry adequate corporate liability insurance. A Commercial General Liability policy is your first line of defense against:
Bodily injury claims
Personal injury claims, including slander or libel
Property damage claims
Advertising injury claims
Contractual liability claims
Liquor liability claims
Product-completed liability claims
Claims for damages from lightning, fire, and explosions
Not carrying business general liability insurance leaves your company and its assets unprotected in the event of accident or injury. If you're not carrying sufficient coverage for your business, you and your company may also be at risk. It's not too soon to get in contact with one of the hometown insurance agents at American Insurance Brokers to make sure your company's liability insurance coverage is adequate protection for all its needs.
What Factors May Influence Commercial General Liability Insurance Rates?
In general, the costs of a general liability premium are determined by several factors. As always, the size of the premium is determined by the amount of coverage the business needs. After ascertaining this, the insurance broker must look at your company's overall risk for incurring a claim against the policy. If there is no history of claims against your company, the rates will generally be lower. Also, the type of industry and the number of employees you've hired will affect the amount paid for the policy. Your AIB agent will work with you to find the right sized policy for your business and its budget.
American Insurance Brokers: Providing Quality Commercial Insurance for Over 20 Years
Having a general liability claim filed against your business is a bad way to discover that you don't have adequate insurance. Don't put your livelihood at risk. Call or come by one of our South Florida or Miami offices today to discuss your company's general liability insurance needs. Our friendly and experienced insurance agents will work closely with you to get you and your business the liability insurance protection you need.

Responsabilidad Comercial General
Soluciones en Seguros Comerciales

Su empresa enfrenta responsabilidades a lo largo del año. Para proteger sus activos es importante contar con una adecuada póliza de seguros de responsabilidad mercantil. Una Póliza General de Responsabilidad Comercial es su primera línea de defensa.
El Seguro de Responsabilidad Comercial cubre reclamos de daños corporales y/u otras formas de lesiones físicas. Es a menudo ofrecido en paquete con el Seguro de Propiedades para mejor proteger a su empresa contra incidentes que pueden ocurrir en sus propias instalaciones o en otras localidades en las que Usted adelanta sus operaciones.
Si Usted cuenta con solamente una modalidad de seguro mercantil, es muy probablemente uno Responsabilidad Comercial General, que proporciona cobertura en las tres siguientes categorías básicas:
Daños Personales - Lesiones Personales (incluyendo calumnia y difamación) - Daños Publicitarios
Responsabilidade Civil Empresarial Geral
Soluções para Seguros Empresariais

Sua empresa enfrenta responsabilidades o ano todo. Para proteger seus bens, é importante contar com um seguro de responsabilidade adequado. Um Seguro de Responsabilidade Civil Empresarial Geral é sua maior defesa. Ele cobre queixas de lesões corporais e outras formas de danos físicos. É frequentemente oferecido em um pacote de Seguro de Propriedades para melhor proteger sua companhia contra incidentes que venham a ocorrer em suas dependências ou em outros locais onde seu negócio esteja operando.
Se você possui apenas um tipo de seguro empresarial, é muito provável que ele seja o de Responsabilidade Civil Empresarial Geral, que pode protegê-lo nas seguintes categorias básicas.
If you have only one form of business insurance, it is most likely Commercial General Liability, which will cover you in these basic categories:
Lesões Corporais – Danos Pessoais (incluindo calúnia e difamação) – Anúncios Caluniosos