South Florida Motorcycle Insurance Coverage

Personal Property
Do I Need Motorcycle Insurance in South Florida?
Florida has a complex requirement for motorcycle insurance coverage. If you are an adult and as long as you're never in an accident, you don't need motorbike insurance. However, if you are ever in an accident and you are found to be at least partially at fault in causing it, the law requires that you do have motorcycle liability insurance, or be charged under Florida's fiscal responsibility laws. It may not make sense, but it's the law. For any rider in the state of Florida, not carrying motorcycle insurance is a major risk.
Some riders believe that their health insurance policies will cover them in the event of a motorcycle accident, but this isn't always the case. Many major health insurance plans disqualify you from coverage if you are participating in a dangerous sport or activity at the time of the injury. Unfortunately, motorcycling is regarded as a dangerous activity by most insurance companies.
If you're wondering whether or not your other insurance policies cover you in case of a motorcycle accident, drop by American Insurance Brokers' Miami offices or any of our south Florida offices to consult with our knowledgeable insurance agents.
What About Simple Liability Insurance?
AIB does offer motorcycle liability insurance. It won't cover your personal medical costs in case of an accident, but may cover a passenger as well as injuries or damage to other parties or property.
What is Included in Motorcycle Insurance?
It depends on the policy you choose, but in general American Insurance Brokers offers you bodily injury coverage, collision coverage, accessories coverage, comprehensive physical damage coverage, and uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage. Motorcycle insurance agents at AIB stay up to date on the latest changes to Florida laws regarding all forms of vehicle coverage and are happy to work with you to find the level of motorbike insurance you need and can afford.
What Can Be Done to Reduce the Cost of Motorcycle Insurance Coverage?
You might consider attending a good rider training program. Research has shown that graduates of these programs have a much reduced chance of being in an accident. Most insurance companies offer lower rates to drivers with rider training certification. Also, a record of accident-free riding may also result in lower rates. AIB's insurance agents in Miami and south Florida can help you find other discounts that might work to lower your rates.
Does AIB Offer Motorcycle Insurance Coverage?
Certainly! We have motorbike insurance plans to cover most forms of two-wheeled vehicles, including scooters, mopeds, and dirt bikes. We offer comprehensive motorcycle insurance as well as motorcycle liability insurance with a range of deductibles. You're sure to find one that will suit your budget.
The agents at all of American Insurance Brokers' south Florida and Miami offices are qualified to assist you in finding the motorcycle insurance that's right for you.
Soluciones en Seguros Personales

Sea que Usted posea una motocicleta deportiva, de crucero o estándar, AIB puede satisfacer las necesidades especiales de cada dueño de una motocicleta.
Cubrimos la mayor parte de los modelos de motocicletas, incluyendo las de crucero, deporte urbano, turismo, elevado desempeño, sean motocicletas o motonetas. Comentaremos con Usted para determinar una variedad de descuentos para los que las diversas motocicletas pueden ser elegibles; por ejemplo, el tomar un Curso en la Fundación de Seguridad del Motociclista (Motorcycle Safety Foundation) o el curso de Seguridad Militar (Military Safety Course) genera derecho a un descuento para motociclistas maduros, así como descuentos a multi-vehículos.
Soluções para Seguros de Propriedade Pessoal